4 Reasons you need Giddy Yo SPIRULINA

4 Reasons you need Giddy Yo SPIRULINA

Published by Bridgitte Longshore on 16th Aug 2024

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Block 9th

I do a lot of talking sometimes. My normal day consists mostly of computer work, but every once in a while I get let out of my 'fancy corner office' (lol not) and work a tradeshow or event, in which case I get to answer questions for 8 hours straight.

It's a lot. But I enjoy it

The point of this story is that the questions are always the same. One question goes like this, “I've heard of spirulina, and I know I should take it, but what is it and why?”

So today let's tackle this question and discuss spirulina and why you should say yes to Giddy Yo spirulina. Truth is, people are raving about this incredible blue green wonder, and for good reason. You don't wanna miss out.

Although the list of 'why you should' eat spirulina is long and growing, we have compiled below 4 GOOD REASONS why Giddy Yo spirulina should be part of your daily routine, so listen up friends!

And for the fact checking biochemistry lovers in the room, we have included a link below to an article written by one very super-smarty pants biohacker, who shares 18 reasons why he believes you should be eating spirulina on the daily. And let's just say, wow.

Let's start with something not so light.

#1. HEAVY METAL CHELATION ANYONE? Reality 101: We live in a world laden with pollutants, heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic stealthily (and potentially nefariously) infiltrating most every space place and thing - our air, food (yes, even 'organic' food), water, smoking, prescription medication, body care products (aluminum in deodorant), Teflon cookware, our jobs, and even dental work to name just a few. And although our body is made to naturally cleanse itself, the fact is that most of us need additional help to support detox pathways (and about 40% of the population has a genetic mutation that makes this even more challenging- read about methylation and MTHFR gene mutation). These metals can accumulate in human tissue leading to a variety of health conditions.

Symptoms of heavy metal poisoning can include things like headaches, brain fog, abdominal pain and cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue or difficulty breathing. While it can be challenging for health care providers to diagnose heavy metal poisoning (symptoms are similar to other common ailments), there are multiple medical tests available to measure levels, so fret not and find yourself a good ND and get tested if you suspect you're at risk.

Science has shown that spirulina can bind with heavy metals and safely eliminate these toxins through your body's detox pathways. A study published in the Journal of Environmental Science and Health highlights spirulina's chelating properties, making it a solid ally in your wellness regime.

“After just a few weeks of taking Giddy Yo spirulina, I noticed a significant difference in my energy levels and overall clarity. I've been looking for a natural way to detox, and this has been a game-changer!” – Sarah

#2. PROTEIN, PROTEIN, AND MORE PROTEIN (plus other stuff) Most people these days are looking to up their protein game and spirulina is an excellent choice. Spirulina is 60-65% protein by weight and contains all nine essential amino acids. In fact, spirulina is one of the richest sources of plant-based protein available. Just over 1 tsp provides 3 grams of easily digestible alkalizing protein.

In addition, according to our actual lab tests, every 10 g of Giddy Yo spirulina provides 150 mg of chlorophyl,1200 mg of phycocyanin, 30 mg of carotenoids, 6.7 mg of zeaxanthin, .83 mg lutein, nucleic acids (280 mg of RNA, and 80 mg of DNA), non-essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and more.

Spirulina is perfect for every body- whether you're an athlete, busy professionals, weekend warrior, superhero mom or dad, regular Joe or Jane, looking to maintain muscle mass and support recovery after exercise - it's for YOU! Protein is essential for cellular repair and generation, growth and development in all humans, especially children, teens, pregnant women, and those 45 and over (especially women). As women age, we require greater amounts of protein, so stop lollygagging and get yourself some!

“As a fitness enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for high-quality protein sources. Spirulina has been an amazing addition to my smoothies, and I love that it's not only plant-based but also super clean and pure.” – James

#3: BRIAN HEALTH (I mean BRAIN health :)
Full stop. I'm confident this is for you.

Seeing that your brain is the command center of yo' body, it deserves and needs all the support it can get. Spirulina is rich in the essential fatty acid Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), an Omega-6 fatty acid that's known to support brain health.

Additionally, it contains the powerful antioxidant phycocyanin, which has been shown to protect brain cells from damage and reduce inflammation. According to research published in Neural Regeneration Research, spirulina supplementation can support cognitive function and may even help in preventing neurodegenerative diseases. According to further scientific research, spirulina may help bolster mitochondria function and provide the well-rounded antioxidants and nutrients your body needs to produce healthy hormone levels.

“I've noticed that since I started taking spirulina daily, my focus and mental clarity have improved significantly. It's like a brain boost in a bottle!” DS

#4: HEART HEALTH, BLOOD HEALTH & WEIGHT MANAGEMENT As we all know, heart health is crucial, and spirulina offers a natural way to keep your ticker in top shape. Rich in antioxidants, spirulina may help reduce oxidative stress, which is a key factor in heart disease. Studies show that eating spirulina helps to lower 'bad' cholesterol (LDL) and triglyceride levels while boosting good cholesterol (HDL). A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that spirulina can help reduce blood pressure, further supporting cardiovascular health.

Current literature supports the benefits of eating 2–8 g/ day of spirulina by improving lipid profiles, aiding weight loss and thus reducing BMI (body mass index). Studies show that eating spirulina improves insulin resistance, reduces inflammation, blood glucose and blood pressure.

“I started taking spirulina to support my heart health, and the results have been fantastic. My cholesterol levels have improved, and I feel more energized overall.” – Mike

Now that you know you need spirulina, be sure to choose spirulina that is clean, tested, and trusted.

Ours is. Check out the Giddy Yo spirulina blog to learn all about how ours is cultivated and the steps we take to ensure purity.

“I did a lot of research before choosing a spirulina brand, and the fact that the spirulina from Taiwan is so thoroughly tested really put my mind at ease. I feel confident that I'm taking the best possible product for my health.” – Karen, 48

So if you're looking to maintain or enhance your health, vitality, strength, and longevity naturally, consider adding Giddy Yo organic spirulina to your daily routine. This superfood of champions offers a wide range of health benefits that can help you, and those you love, thrive. Think of it as your insurance policy to a long, well lived, vibrant life.

It's a staff fave and top seller for good reason.

Giddy Yo offers spirulina in tablets and powder form in two sizes - 150 g and 1 kg.

For the science, biohackin' loving friends, here is some reading about spirulina from one very smart young man we have come across -

So that's all for now folks. There's much more to share, all to be tackled in future newsletters, so keep your finger on the pulse of Giddy Yo and watch your inbox!

Reference links:

1. “High quality product and well priced. Making a difference in my facial glow. Very happy.” - Samantha 
2. “Very pleased with these. No fishy smelly or taste and easy to take. Great quality and great price.” - Jackson 
3. “Love, love this product and noticed significant changes in digestion within a week or so.” - Mary 
4. “These tablets blend perfectly in a smoothie and provide awesome amounts of GLA, minerals and vitamin A full of nutrients for better health.” -Pierre 
5. “Good quality product. Excellent value. Tablet form makes it really easy to incorporate into my routine.” - Jules 
6. “Amazing product, best natural protein source.” - Coda 
7. “My dog loves the tablets and thinks he is getting a treat – I've read spirulina Improves natural detoxification by binding and removing toxins from your dogs body and may slow the aging process, boosts health in older dogs and may also sooth arthritis.” -Elisabeth
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